The DIVAGRI project proposes a wide range of bio-based innovative solutions adapted to specific conditions in target countries. Ecosystem restoration in combination with diverse crop production in regenerative agricultural systems, mobile biorefineries for biomass conversion to high-value compounds and bioenergy, and the highly innovative clay-based micro-irrigation system “SLECI” (Self-regulating, Low Energy, Clay- based Irrigation) are solutions developed by DIVAGRI.

“SLECI” technology (Self-regulating, Low Energy, Clay based Irrigation) is a self-regulating subsurface irrigation technique that uses the actual suction force of the surrounding soil for regulation of the system’s water release. Its concept, production and installation are simple and thus adaptable to rural environments saving on water and energy. Bio-based materials and products used in production of SLECI pipes and tanks will replace petrochemical-based materials used for conventional irrigation systems. Water is transported via clay tubes which have a higher suction tension than the applied hydraulic pressure, so the surface of the clay tubes stays damp

DIVAGRI will investigate its performance in a variety of local conditions and in combination with various (reclaimed) irrigation waters. SLECI will be produced at two locations (Ghana and Namibia) aimed at: i) development of production technology and clay-elements adapted to regional African conditions; ii) transfer of technology; and iii) transfer of quality-control knowledge. We will use SLECI as a vehicle to create financial gains and commercial opportunities for small-scale farmers through establishing a healthy and resilient farming system (KPI 80% water savings) and by significantly reducing time spent in the field (KPI 20%), which could be allocated to e.g. processing.