The Constructed Wetland of the DIVAGRI project is a multi-functional filter system that purifies wastewater through the natural functions of microorganisms, plants, and substrate. The treated water can be reused in agriculture and harvested plants can be further valorized for different purposes.
Constructed wetlands (CWs), also known as treatment wetlands (TWs), are well-established nature-based solutions for water treatment. They utilize physical, chemical, and biological processes for the conversion and removal of contaminants. The treatment beds consist of shallow-lined basins filled with filter media (generally gravel or sand) and are commonly planted with aquatic macrophytes.
CWs treat wastewater from a wide range of sources, such as domestic, industrial, and agricultural wastewater or landfill leachate, and are situated in different climate zones around the world. They are characterized by their low external energy demand, comparatively low cost, easy operation, and maintenance, as well as the possibility to use local materials and manpower.

In addition to water purification, CWs offer a variety of other inherent co-benefits, such as increased biodiversity, biomass production, and carbon sequestration, as well as their aesthetically pleasing appearance and recreational potential.
In the DIVAGRI project, constructed wetlands are used as a natural and sustainable method for wastewater treatment. These wetlands are designed to mimic the processes that occur in natural wetland ecosystems, using plants, soils, and the associated microbial assemblages to improve water quality.
The constructed wetlands in DIVAGRI serve multiple purposes:
- Water Treatment: They treat wastewater from various sources, effectively removing contaminants through physical, chemical, and biological processes.
- Water Reuse: The treated water from these wetlands can be reused for agricultural purposes, providing a sustainable source of irrigation water.
- Biomass Production: The plants grown in these wetlands can be harvested and used for different purposes, adding another layer of resource utilization.
- Biodiversity Enhancement: Constructed wetlands can increase local biodiversity by providing a habitat for various species.
- Carbon Sequestration: They also contribute to carbon sequestration, helping to mitigate climate change.
Overall, the use of constructed wetlands in DIVAGRI exemplifies an integrated approach to resource management, combining water treatment, agriculture, and environmental conservation in a synergistic manner.

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