Small scale farmer Rolene Hendricks who was inspired by the Take Charge of Your Life workshop in Stellenbosch, South Africa recently has plans to become a full-time organic farmer who processes her own vegetables and trains other small farmers to go organic.

“I want people to be growing their own organic vegetables instead of buying it from shops,” she says. “I would like 25 of the 200 farmers I aim to train by 2034 to be running their own businesses and doing well, whether it is in their backyards or on bigger 20-hectare farms,” she says.

She believes that DIVAGRI’s Self Regulating, Low Energy, Clay Based Irrigation (SLECI) system that is being piloted at Welgevallen Experimental Farm and is going to be trialed on the demosite within the next 3 months will have a big impact on water use here.

“We have limited water at the Lynedoch demosite in Stellenbosch and the current continuous use of overhead irrigation on all crops is allowing a lot of wastage to take place. If we use this clay-based drip irrigation system we will save a lot of water,” she says.

Rolene Hendricks

Her plan on the Lynedoch demosite is to grow vegetables under shade cloth with drip irrigation. She would also like to take part in the development of the DIVAGRI Knowledge Sharing Centre here where the Master Trainers will train Community Trainers on the DIVAGRI project.

She is currently growing vegetables next to the DIVAGRI project with a group of small farmers who are cultivating spinach, coriander, peppers and lettuce above the ground in “grow bags” using organic fertiliser and a plastic bottle version of drip irrigation.

While the DIVAGRI technologies are being transferred to the Lynedoch demosite, 45-year-old Rolene is not letting the grass grow under her feet. At home, she has already started her own tuckshop business, selling chocolate ice lollies and carrot cake cupcakes. She is also completing her diploma in business management.

 “I have a goal and have set milestones to achieve to achieve my goal,” she says. “I ask myself whether I am getting closer or is there something I need to change.” For example, she would like to buy her own car in 2027 but first needs to get her learners and drivers licence this year.

Ultimately, it is financial security she is after and the opportunity to provide a good education for her son. ” I want to send my son to a good college or university,” says Rolene. “I don’t want him to stop studying at Grade 12. He needs to specialise in a career.”