Carries out research investigations and feasibility studies to identify and develop projects found to be economically sound for the sustainable social and economic development of grassroots communities. While Lisha has requisite capacities for performing the functions of conventional SMEs (if the situation so demands, the development foci of the organization are specific.
Lisha assesses itself as a competent, experienced, and progressive organization committed to empowering grassroots communities with requisite know-how, expertise, and technologies as pre-requisites for sustainable economic and social development – leading to self-reliance and resilient livelihoods. This is amply evidenced by the enthusiasm of a growing number of rural communities and academic/professional institutions with whom we work.
Keeps data on collaborating communities, SME training courses provided, including nature and number of SME’s established, failure/success rates of established SME’s, Impediments to business development or success, SME’s impacts on target beneficiaries (job creation, skills acquisition, resilient livelihoods, etc.).