DIVAGRI aims to increase the productivity, income and economic opportunities of subsistence and smallholder farmers in arid and semi-arid regions of Sub-Saharan Africa by implementing state-of-the-art, innovative bio-based solutions that will improve agricultural production, enable diversification of crops and increase added-value, create environmental, social and economic sustainability, and generate new local economic opportunities.
alchemia-nova has the responsibilities of the following technical solutions:
- Solar desalination
- Constructed wetlands
- Bio-refinery
- Adapt technologies locally
The vision is to contribute to sustainable livelihoods in rural areas of Africa, through domestic agri-food systems which can sustain growing populations in an inclusive and environmentally friendly way in the long term. DIVAGRI increases the productivity of the African agri-food systems, connects supply to demand and turn wastes into resources through connected value networks within the bioeconomy through selected enabling bio-based solutions tailored to specific conditions in the five target countries.

Project coordinator
Hochschule Wismar
Project partner
Institut für Polymertechnologien e.V.
Stellenbosch University
Agricultural Research Council
Namibia University of Science and Technology
University of Cape Coast
National Agricultural Research and Development Institute
İstanbul Avrupa Araştırmaları Derneği
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Crops Research Institute
Lake Agege Farm
Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Instituto Superior Politecnico de Manica
Center for Research and Technology Transfer to Communities
Lisha Empowerment and Development
Namibia Rotomould CC
G&G Extrusionstechnik GmbH
FH Joanneum GmBH
Asociacion de la Industria Navarra
Institut Po Ovoshtarstvo-Plovdiv
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Project status
Start 04/2021, End 04/2025
Call: CE-SFS-36-2020
Topic: Diversifying revenue in rural Africa through bio-based solutions
Type of action: Research and Innovation Action
GA number: 101000348
Total costs: € 8,994,693.75
EU contribution: € 8,994,693.75
Funded by HORIZON 2020