Center for Research and Technology Transfer for Community Development (CITT), is a public institution created by Decree 36/2010, of 1st September, of the Mozambican Council of Ministers. CITT is a public institution with legal personality and administrative autonomy, nationwide, under the Minister who oversees Science and Technology area. CITT’s mission is to guarantee the appropriation by the communities to scientific and technological knowledge and innovation appropriate to sustainable community development. CITT’s duties are essential: (i) to ensure, in coordination with communities, the development of scientific research activities for local benefit; (ii) guarantee technological development, knowledge transfers, local cultures and technologies created by CITT and other sectors for the local community; (iii) guarantee the promotion of technological development, innovation, and entrepreneurship among communities through technologies` incubation and businesses; (iv) to promote and develop innovations and their diffusion as an alternative to community challenges and sustainable community development; and (v) promoting intersectoral collaboration in research and technology transfer for community development. Given these duties, from its establishment, CITT has been engaged in the identification, testing, and development of suitable solutions to communities and transference of those solutions to the communities. Our intervention comprises all the country and actually we have established six sites in which research and technology transfer are performed. CITT has implemented successfully programs like the millennium villages in collaboration with different partners including UNDP, Japanese and Portugal governments, Islamic Development Bank among others. We have also run a research and technology transference project for enhancing the productivity of maize, rice, and wheat in Mozambique which involved training over 12.000 small-scale farmers. Apart from Mozambican high education and TVET institutions, we have collaborated with Angelique International, Columbia University, Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Portugal).