DIVAGRI launches its Webinar Series

DIVAGRI launches its Webinar Series

The webinar took place on November 30th. It focused on how our projects are delivering and diversifying revenue in rural Africa through bio-based solutions. It discussed access to insightful information from our experts in agricultural systems, bio-based solutions and...
Project DIVAGRI, a bio-based horizon

Project DIVAGRI, a bio-based horizon

Project ‘Revenue diversification pathways in Africa through bio-based and circular agricultural innovations’ (DIVAGRI) The Robert-Schmidt-Institut der Hochschule Wismar (Wismar, Germany), in partnership with 8 pan-European and 12 African organisations, has...
DIVAGRI – Revenue diversification pathways in Africa

DIVAGRI – Revenue diversification pathways in Africa

DIVAGRI aims to increase the productivity, income and economic opportunities of subsistence and smallholder farmers in arid and semi-arid regions of Sub-Saharan Africa by implementing state-of-the-art, innovative bio-based solutions that will improve agricultural...