Recent News and Events
- Training Agripreneurs to Lead Enterprising Lives
- We must preserve our soils so our children can farm them in the future, says kwaNdaba Farmer Thuleleni Mkhumbuzi who recently attended DIVAGRI’s Master Trainer Workshop in Stellenbosch.
- Lynedoch organic farmer, Rolene Hendricks, has big plans
- Turning saline water into a productive resource for farming in Africa
- KwaNdaba Farmers Are Embracing Bio-based Technologies
- Empowering women and youth in African agriculture
- Record keeping will Improve the Productivity of Small-Scale Farmers, says Agricultural Research Council economist and DIVAGRI researcher Dr Aart-Jan Verschoor
- BIO4Africa-DIVAGRI African green transition online workshop
- Biogas has great potential for emerging farmers in Africa
- Living enterprising lives in Africa